Arduino keyManager

Few months ago i started to developing iron for waxing my snowboard. Last season i bought regular iron and used it, but it can set temperature only in wide range, did not have overheat protection and can melt the base of the board. In university i learned of 8bit avr mcu, but all firmwares that we wrote, we wrote on ASM. Now it is my hobby and i decided to try C/C++ programming, early at school i wrote on C, but forget to many about C language, so now, after many years without practice, i decided to try arduino.
When i wrote arduino sketches i did not found library to manage keys. I wanted event based library that can produce events when key pressed, when key long pressed and when key released, also it must have program debounce.
Early to manage keys i just wrote tonnes of code right in sketches, but when sketches grow up, they started to looks like a crap, so i develop my own library.
They far away from to be excellent ( i am not very familiar with C, not to mention C + +), but they work.
Now code of the library have mixed russian and english comments ( hope i will change it in future ).
I tried to write library fast as possible and using minimal resources, because of that (and because i do not know C++ well) there to many hard coded defines for delay values in keyManager.h (debounce time, time to long press detection and time to regenerate long press event). I feel it is possible to make library better with C++ templates, but i did not found time to learn it well.
Last words, before i show example, library designed to be used with pull up keys, ie when key pressed, digitalRead() must return LOW.
I turned arduino blink example to work with key manager. There are two keys, one switched off the led, another on switch it on.

// Include library header
 #include <keyManager.h>
#define led 13
#define off_pin 10
#define on_pin 11
// Create keyManager objects, when you create key object, they
// initialize key pin as input 
keyManager on_key( on_pin, true );
keyManager off_key( off_pin, true );
void setup() {
  // initialize the digital pin as an output.
  pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
// Led state
uint8_t led_state = 0;
void loop() {
// This is main part, process() function must run at least once in every 255 micro seconds
// process() function is heart of the library based on FSM, they process
// key state changes and generate events
// Light led if on key pressed
  if( on_key.isPressed() ) {
    digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
    led_state = HIGH;
// Swich off if right key pressed
  if( off_key.isPressed() ) {
    digitalWrite(led, LOW);    
    led_state = LOW;
// If any key pressed long, led will change the state
  if( on_key.isLongPressed() || off_key.isLongPressed()  ) {
    if( led_state == LOW ) {
      led_state = HIGH;
    } else {
      led_state = LOW;
    digitalWrite(led, led_state);

Second argument of:

keyManager on_key( on_pin, true );

Select how keys will be driven. When argument is ‘true’ keys will managed in ‘event mode’ it means, that isPressed() will return true only once until you did no release key and did not press it again. Same for isReleased().
isLongPressed() will return ‘true’ first time, when key will be pressed longer than defined in keyManager.h (by default 1.5 sec) and after every repeat delay if key will not released (by default 0.1 sec).
Event generated every time when key changed their state, there is function isEvent() to check that. isEvent() return true until event will not received by isPressed(), isLongPressed() or isReleased(). In another words that functions will clear event flag after picked up their event.
keyManager can work in another mode, when second argument is ‘false’, functions isPressed(), isLongPressed() and isReleased() will not clear event flag, they return true every time when key in their state. Event flag will generated as before, but can be cleared only with clearEvent() function.
Now library use 4 bytes of ram to manage single button. In future i want reduce ram that used by timers, add more examples and simplify delays configuration.

There is link to github:

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